Monday, April 25, 2011

My Last Post

Throughout this semester, I have really enjoyed keeping a blog to share my thoughts on various readings and topics. I think it has been a very effective way to ensure that we all stay caught up on our assignments while discussing them with one another in a forum where we are all able to speak freely at length about the course subject matter. I think it has really helped me to think analytically about all of the topics that we covered in class, while expressing my opinion in a clear and concise way. Additionally, I feel that blogging was a great way for all of us to learn about one another and gather different opinions about various topics. In this, blogging has been a very positive experience.

Still, there obviously have been certain subjects that have interested me more than others. Based on my background in history and political science, I loved writing and reading about globalization and differences between cultures (e.g., Whither the NBA, The Whole World Isn’t Watching, etc.). Still, it was great to read my classmates’ blogs throughout the semester, and see just what really appealed to them. It was through this sharing of ideas that I feel that these blogs were an extremely positive learning tool, as we all expanded our horizons while learning about each other.

While I don’t feel that keeping a blog has necessarily changed how I view anything in the world, it has helped me to think more critically about what I see in the world around me. Additionally, blogging has helped me to not be afraid to say exactly what I think, along with not being afraid to give or receive criticism. Through constant interaction with my classmates, I have learned to effectively use my voice to gain a broader world perspective.

In conclusion, this semester has been a great learning experience, which I truly appreciate. Thank you to everybody who has read or commented on my blog. Your feedback has meant a lot to me, and I take it to heart.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

IOC Environmental Policy

As presented by Cantelon & Letters (2000) in their article “The Making of IOC Environmental Policy as the Third Dimension of the Olympic Movement,” environmentalism has become an increasingly important part of international culture, and something that international organizations such as the IOC must be able to adapt to. Cantelon & Letters (2000) use the example of the 1992 Albertville Winter Olympics in France as a turning point of environmental policy. As the construction of the Olympic facilities had an increasingly negative impact upon the natural environment of Albertville, international criticism was turned towards the IOC, forcing them to adapt to become more environmentally conscious. Luckily, the organizing committee of the Lillehammer games was able to adapt very quickly to a more “green” mentality, and as a result, in many ways, the IOC also adopted those same values.

While there is certainly much to be said about the local influence on a global organization in this case, that is not what caught my attention in regards to this article. Instead, it is the failure of the Albertville games and the subsequent need to adopt a “green” mentality. It seems to me that, without the negative backlash against the Albertville games, the IOC would have continued to act environmentally irresponsibly. This is evidenced by the fact that, although the Albertville games stressed that they were striving to maintain the area’s beauty, however, it is unclear that anything was actually being done to preserve the local ecosystems. One could certainly assume from that press release that the IOC was simply trying to save face. Therefore, my question becomes, if the Albertville games did not receive such negative coverage, would environmentalism have become the third dimension of the Olympic movement? I have say no, however, the silver lining of this scenario remains that out of disaster came a learning experience and a chance to make things better for the future, and it certainly appears that the IOC has embraced this opportunity.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Gender Trap

I have often found that in our society, people tend to see things as “either/or,” submitting to one of two options. Black or white. Democrat or Republican. Pepsi or Coke. Boy or girl. However, this way of seeing things does not tell the whole story. As Saner (2008) describes in her article “The Gender Trap,” there is a huge world population of “intersex” or transgender individuals living in the world today (roughly .1% of the world’s total population), blurring the lines of the traditional “male-female” idea of gender. Clearly, these people are part of an often forgotten and ignored population, and, in a sport environment, they represent an issue that must be properly addressed and dealt with.

As Saner (2008) states, women whose gender is in question are put through a series of tests to determine if they are in fact female. This process is extremely humiliating for the athletes themselves and has been the subject of much criticism in recent years. Still, one has to ask- if athletes are able to slip between gender lines, does that create an unfair advantage? Conversely, if an athlete is found to have an intersex condition, such testing can publicly “out” them, creating another questionable ethical situation.

Of course, simply looking at it from an administrator’s perspective ignores the very human element of such controversy. Intersex individuals often naturally feel confused and alienated from much of society because they fall outside of the “male-female” gender dichotomy. This pressure and feeling of alienation can lead to tragic results, as was the case of Santhi Soundarajan, an Indian athlete whose public humiliation from being stripped of her medal helped lead her to attempt suicide. Such attempts are not uncommon for people with intersex conditions; however, the publicity that came from Soundarajan’s attempt may help shed light on the stigmas that accompany such conditions, causing people to take a closer look at an often silenced minority.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Masculine Hegemonic Hoops

Kian, Vincent, & Mondello’s (2008) article, “Masculine Hegemonic Hoops: An Analysis of Media Coverage of March Madness” raises some very interesting points about gender in the media presentation of the Men’s and Women’s NCAA Basketball Tournament. Essentially, their argument boils down to the fact that our society seems to value masculinity over femininity, and, as a result, men receive far more favorable and visible coverage during March. Despite the rise of popularity of women’s basketball (e.g., the Women’s Tournament and the WNBA), women are still placed in a gender order behind men, as reflected by the media’s portrayal of the sport.

As a college basketball fan, I know this rings true for me, as it probably does with many of you. For example, when somebody asks if you filled out your bracket, how often do you ask if they mean for the Men’s or Women’s Tournament? I can say that I have never asked this question- it has always been assumed that they were talking about the Men’s Tournament. In this, it is very clear that society still has a long way to go in terms of pulling women’s sport into the spotlight, and the media has a responsibility to facilitate that process. Personally, I think that spending significant air time on ESPN talking about women’s basketball during a time when something extraordinary (e.g., UConn’s win streak) isn’t occurring will be a major step forward.

Additionally, I feel that Kian, Vincent, & Mondello (2008) made some very interesting points about gender portrayal in the media. Perhaps the most striking was that female athletes tend to be compared to their male counterparts in media coverage. The fact that male athletes are the guideposts for athleticism illustrates an inherent bias within the presentation of NCAA basketball and sport in general. I even saw this occur recently in an ESPN article about Baylor star Brittney Griner, whose size was compared to various NBA players, including LeBron James. Of course, NBA players are household names, so it makes sense to compare her to them, however, by continuing to do so, we are continuing to place women’s sports in a secondary position in sport culture.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Packaging the Games for Viewer Consumption

Billings & Angelini’s (2007) article “Packaging the Games for Viewer Consumption: Gender, Ethnicity, and Nationality in NBC’s Coverage of the 2004 Summer Olympics” discusses inherent biases within the broadcasting of the Olympic Games. They argue that, during the Olympics, white American male athletes receive the majority of media attention in the US. Certainly this should be unsurprising to anybody who has ever watched the Olympics. While Billings & Angelini (2007) do illustrate that progress is being made (non-white athletes are being praised more often for intelligence and determination, and women are being complemented more for their talent), the focus remains on white American males.

I will not argue against the point that women and minority athletes should receive more positive attention during the Olympic Games- it is clear that, despite progress in recent Games, they are still underrepresented in the media. However, I am unmoved that there is something wrong with placing the focus on American athletes. After all, NBC is an American broadcasting company focusing on an American audience. Is this practice a bit ethnocentric? Of course, however, it is no different than most sporting events. After all, when watching an Indians-Yankees game on SportsTime Ohio (the Indians’ cable channel), one would expect the focus of commentary to be on, say, Shin-Soo Choo’s approach at the plate. Likewise, when watching the same game on the YES Network (the Yankees’ cable channel), one would expect the focus of commentary to be on, say, Alex Rodriguez’s defense. Sure, the YES commentators will talk about Choo to some extent (and vice versa), but it is perfectly normal to focus on the home team, and that is exactly what NBC is doing.

Personally, I am only a casual Olympic fan- I’ll watch some events, but, in general, I could care less about track & field, swimming, and gymnastics. However, when I think of major Olympic stories, two events come to mind- Jesse Owens winning Gold in Hitler’s Berlin in 1936 and the US Men’s Hockey Team winning Gold at Lake Placid in 1980 (The Miracle on Ice). However, I recognize these as great events because I am American. For example, Russians probably don’t remember Lake Placid as fondly as Americans, but still cherish the memory of winning Gold in basketball in 1972 over the US. The reason I bring these examples up is to illustrate that we, as a country, relish the opportunity to unite behind our Olympic teams once every two years (or four, if you really hate either the Summer or Winter Games), and NBC is probably right to cash in on that nationalism. Sure, we take notice when a foreign athlete accomplishes something truly great (Usain Bolt comes to mind), but, when broadcasting to an American audience, there is nothing wrong with focusing on American athletes.

With that said, I am curious what a similar study would show in relation to another country’s telecasts of the Olympic Games in relation to focusing on themselves.

Madrid Posts 1 & 2

The following entries are on behalf of the Madrid Group: Steve, Chellsie, Megan, Barbara, and Scott.

Salt Lake City Olympic Ceremonies:

  1. Parade of Athletes:
    Each country paraded in proceeding their countries flag. 77 nations were represented with 2,399 athletes participating in the 2002 winter Olympic games.
  2. Speeches by local and Olympic officials:
    In keeping with the theme of American patriotism following 9/11, the speeches delivered by Salt Lake Organizing Committee Chairman (and future presidential candidate) Mitt Romney and IOC President Jacques Rogge both contained explicit references to the attacks in New York City and Washington DC. More importantly, both speeches presented a firm and united front in the face of terrorism, advocating a world that can live in peace and in which all individuals can pursue their dreams. Additionally, then-President George W. Bush sat, as Hogan (2003) said, “among US athletes, seemingly without bodyguards (pg. 118),” as he opened the games from the stands. These speeches reinforce the United States’ War on Terror as a virtuous endeavor, and present a strong national and international front against enemies of the US.
  3. Raising of the Olympic Flag and Playing of the Olympic Anthem:
    The Olympic flag was carried in by 5 flag barriers, representing the 5 continents of the Olympic rings and 3 pillars of Olympic movement: sport, culture, and environment. The flag bearers were: John Glenn, the former President of Poland, and a Nobel Peace Prize winner from Africa, 1998 Japanese gold medalist, 2000 Australian gold medalist Kathy Freeman, 1968 French Olympic gold medalist, Steven Spielberg, and the son of Jacque Cousteau. The choir sang the Olympic anthem as the flag was raised. Then, Sting and Yo-Yo Ma performed together to remind people of the peace and beauty of the Olympic Games.
  4. Host nation’s national anthem:
    The national anthem displayed the flag that was flown over the World Trade Center on September 11th during the terrorist attacks. The flag was carried by U.S. Olympians and members of the New York City police and fire departments and the Port Authority. The Star Spangled Banner was sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The overall vision of the spectacle that was the national anthem was very moving and quite patriotic. It displayed the state that our country was in and also showed unity by bringing together the law enforcement officers who are protecting our country as well as the Olympic athletes to carry the flag. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing was amazing and allowed representation of the uniqueness of the local culture in Salt Lake City.
  5. Torch relay and lighting of Olympic cauldron:
    The torch was ran across the nation by many former Olympians and finally passed to Mike Eruzione, who was the captain of the 1980 U.S. Olympic Ice Hockey team. Along with the rest of his teammates, Eruzione lit the Olympic cauldron which was extremely tall with the final flame at the very top. We agree with the Hogan in the fact that this action was very symbolic for the Olympics. In 1980 when the Ice Hockey team won the gold medal, they defeated the U.S.S.R. who were also our cold war enemies at the time. Now, at the height of the war on terror, these same champions are representing our nation by uniting together, as the United States came together to fight the war on terror.
  6. Oaths on Behalf of Participants and Judges:
    Jim Shea, member of the US Skeleton Team, took the oath on behalf of all the athletes. He said they will respect the rules, commit themselves without drugs, use sportsmanship, and show honor for their teams. American judge, Allen Church, took an oath of fairness and impartiality in the name of all the judges. Both men raised their right hands while taking the oath.

Crisis of Canadian Identity- Question 2:

The crises of Wayne Gretzky’s trade and Ben Johnson’s steroid scandal related to the crisis of Canadian identity because both resulted in the loss of Canadian points of pride. Both situations occurred at the same time as the Free Trade Agreement, which many Canadians believed represented the encroachment of the US on Canadian markets and culture. This was exacerbated by the loss of Gretzky to Los Angeles, as Americans now “owned” a Canadian hero. Because of these circumstances, many Canadians felt as though they were losing their independent identity to the US, and distrusted the FTA, as they felt it would lead to Americans stealing Canadian resources. For many Canadians, the trade of Gretzky exemplified this, as a large American market “stole” the greatest Canadian “resource.”

These crises illustrate the undeniable link between sport and nationalism or local pride. This is something we have seen repeatedly throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Recently, we have seen it in Cleveland with the loss of LeBron James. When James decided to "take his talents to South Beach," he left behind a city in mourning over the loss of a sports star, struggling to find their identity without him. His departure from Ohio left many Clevelanders feeling that they had lost a part of themselves, causing them to feel angry and betrayed.

This feeling of betrayal and loss of identity is similar to what many Canadians felt after Gretzky's departure as well as Johnson's steroid scandal. They felt as if integral pieces of what made them Canadian were stripped away, leaving them angry and confused. However, it is important to note that, while Gretzky would eventually be forgiven and re-accepted as a Canadian hero, Johnson was almost immediately "stripped" of his Canadian identity, and instead relegated to back being a Jamaican immigrant, less than fully Canadian. This disparity illustrates not only how Canadians coped with the scandals, but also issues of race and immigration within Canada, as a white native Canadian was forgiven while a black immigrant was not.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Staging the Nation

The focus of Hogan’s (2003) article, “Staging the Nation: Gendered and Ethnicized Discourses of National Identity in Olympic Opening Ceremonies” was placed upon the misrepresentation of a nation’s culture during the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympic Games, specifically the Nagano, Sydney, and Salt Lake City Games. Hogan (2003) does an excellent job of describing how diversity and gender issues are glossed over in the Opening Ceremonies, often celebrating a mythological idea of the host country’s past and society. For example, the article cites Sydney’s celebration of white history in Australia while marginalizing Aboriginal societies that have long been a main influence on that country’s culture. Likewise, the Ceremonies in Salt Lake City glossed over the many conflicts and wars between Native Americans and white settlers over the course of American history. These historical inaccuracies promote the construction of a “desired history” that sets aside the real history and issues of those societies. In this, the question must be asked- is this acceptable, especially on such a grand stage?

As a former history teacher, I can assure you that many people in the US do not have a thorough understanding of American or world history, especially when it comes to the uglier issues of racial and gender discrimination. For example, I have met many kids who think that overt racial discrimination was designated to the south following the Civil War. Likewise, many people don’t really understand the scope of the women’s suffrage movement, often thinking it was limited to very early 20th century. Clearly, it is important that we do a better job of presenting the whole story of American history to ourselves and our children.

However, it is also to remember that the Olympic Opening Ceremonies are a commercial event- an opportunity to advertise a country to the rest of the world. They give the host nations a chance to present themselves in a positive light, celebrating their rich heritage as well as their place in the international world. While it may be factually accurate, stating that one’s country was founded on the exploitation and slaughter of others is bad PR. Obviously, these ceremonies must present racial and gender diversity, celebrating accomplishments of all members of a nation, without stereotyping or casting any group aside. Still, I feel that, considering the fact that these events are designed to portray a location in a positive light, it is acceptable to tell only a select portion of the story, provided that as a society, we do a better job of understanding the entire history of our world.

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Asianization of America

Barker’s (2001) article, “The Asianization of America” discusses the influence of Asian culture in the US in the early 21st century, investigating whether or not Asian-Americans have finally “broken through” in US mainstream culture. Personally, I found the perspectives in the article to be fairly interesting. Barker (2001) claims that, in today’s culture, “it's not hard to imagine someone, freshly wakened from his futon and clad in a T-shirt emblazoned with Chinese calligraphy, ducking into Starbucks for a cup of chai before popping over to Blockbuster for Jet Li on DVD (para 4).” I feel Barker could have also just as easily mentioned that this person could have gone to dinner at P.F. Chang’s, and then gone home to play his Nintendo Wii. Of course, whether or not this is true integration of Asian culture is certainly debatable. All of those things are commercialized for mass appeal- our hypothetical hero likely had no idea what the symbols on his shirt meant, watched his movie in English, eaten fortune cookies (an American food) at P.F. Chang’s, and played a WWII game about the Pacific Front. None of these things imply any real understanding of Asian culture on any real level. After all, grabbing lunch at Taco Bell does not mean that you are celebrating Mexican culture (or maybe, in keeping with the lumping together of all Asian cultures, Hispanic culture as a whole).

However, as stated in Barker’s (2001) article, some Asian-Americans may feel that that a misrepresentation of Asian culture is better than no recognition of it at all. People of Asian descent have long been discriminated against in the US- from the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 to Japanese Internment during WWII, Asian-Americans have a history of being marginalized and cast aside. In fact, limitations on allowing people of Asian descent to become US citizens existed until the late 1940s. Perhaps, for some people, ignorance is better than being ignored.

I feel that because of this long-standing discrimination, many people still see Asian-Americans as an “other,” something foreign and different. This is echoed by Leonard (2003), in his article “Yo, Yao! What does the "Ming Dynasty" tell us about race and transnational diplomacy in the NBA?” Leonard claims that American fascination with Yao Ming focuses on his foreign-ness, as illustrated by arenas distributing fortune cookies to celebrate his arrival to the NBA, as well as commercials that focus on his difficulties with the English language. Through this, one could easily see how his arrival in the NBA was, in many ways, exploited, thus illustrating the difficulties of celebrating and embracing Asian culture in the US.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sister Act VI

Spencer’s (2004) article “Sister Act VI: Venus and Serena Williams at Indian Wells: ‘Sincere Fictions’ and White Racism” touches on many facets of racism in today’s society, and how they tie into the controversy at Indian Wells in 2001. One of the most notable concepts that Spencer (2004) discusses is the notion of the “sincere fictions” that are created by whites to justify racist behavior or beliefs. In the article, Spencer (2004) uses Martina Hingis’ comment that the Williams sisters receive sponsorships due to their race as an example of a sincere fiction. In this, Hingis “obscures the reality that people of color have historically been excluded from tennis and that White racism continues to operate in the new millennium (Spencer, 2004 p. 128).”

This kind of racism is perhaps the most prevalent that I have seen in my experiences. It has always seemed to me that many whites (at least in my generation) operate under the belief that racism was something that happened before their lifetime, therefore, beliefs or institutions (such as Affirmative Action) that promote the advancement of non-whites are racist themselves, and do nothing to ease racial tensions. Of course, this belief system ignores the fact that people who lived under Jim Crow laws are still alive. It also ignores the vast history of white racism in this country and society. Furthermore, it ignores the blatant inequities between whites and non-whites in this country today. These sincere fictions allow people to distance themselves from the greater picture and see only what they want to see, thus perpetuating racist beliefs. If society is going to move forward and distance itself from racist constructs, driving home the importance of the history of racism as well as where it exists today is vastly important.

Monday, February 14, 2011

"Whither the NBA, Whither America?"

David Andrews’ (1999) article “Whither the NBA, Whither America?” discusses the growth of the NBA both in the US and abroad, as well as the social implications of that expansion. Andrews (1999) explains that through aggressive marketing of the NBA as an American sport, the league’s popularity is exploding, and a large fanbase is being established in foreign markets. In this, the NBA has saved itself from a fate of obscurity that seemed inevitable in the 1970s.

This expansion into other markets is certainly not something that the only the NBA has done- the MLB, NFL and NHL all feature special games overseas and have their games broadcast internationally- however, the NBA may be the most successful league in its execution. According to Andrews (1999), international revenues account for $500 million every year, and I am sure that number has risen in the years since this article was written. The influence of the league continues to grow, to the point where players such as Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant are not just American celebrities, but global superstars.

Of course, this expansion has led to a growth of globalization of American culture. While certainly this may increase American goodwill internationally, some may see it as a threat to individual cultures across the globe. Clearly, the NBA is not the only agent of globalization of American culture- I recall hearing a story once in a political science class that told about a little boy from Japan visiting New York City with his mother. He was shocked by how foreign everything was and couldn’t seem to find his bearings. However, as soon as he saw a McDonald’s, he turned to his mother and said, “Look mom, they have Japanese food here!”

This story illustrates how pervasive globalization can be. As successful as the NBA has been recently, one has to wonder if that growth can continue. Andrews (1999) talks of other cultures’ weariness of “creeping Otherness (p. 508),” and a backlash that may come from locals against what they see as invasive forces, something that has been seen throughout history. The question must be asked whether people in other countries may eventually tire of the NBA as “Japanese food,” in favor of something more distinctive to their own culture.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Whole World Isn't Watching

Martin & Reeves’ (2001) article “The Whole World Isn’t Watching (But We Thought They Were): The Super Bowl and US Solipsism” drives the point that the Super Bowl is not an international spectacle in the way that many in the US believe it is. Instead, the Super Bowl is a distinctly American event, holding little importance outside of our borders. In this, Martin & Reeves (2001) seem to imply that the US is ignorant to the rest of the world’s taste, and automatically assume that what is important to Americans must be important to the rest of the world.

Certainly, Martin & Reeves (2001) are not off the mark in their take that the rest of the world is lukewarm at best to the Super Bowl. Football is a distinctly American sport, and the rest of the world simply hasn’t caught on to it. I think this is due to a number of factors- football is expensive to play, it has a very complicated set of rules (and at first glance, the scoring probably wouldn’t make sense to somebody with no concept of the game), and because it is so American, it may not be seen as very chic in other countries. However, the sport has had some success abroad, including the “American Bowls” which have done very well in foreign markets. There is still hope for the sport abroad.

Still, although it is true that the NFL uses some fairly fuzzy numbers to augment the reported international viewership, I feel is it extremely unfair how Martin & Reeves (2001) seem to paint Americans as ignorant and self-centered when it comes to what the rest of the world is watching. I feel that most people know and understand the soccer is the true international sport of choice, and that football is not wildly successful overseas. Yes, the NFL has a long way to go in terms of internationalizing the sport (I can’t name a single non-North American player in the NFL), but to call Americans self-centered because many of us think there is a market for the sport outside of our borders is uncalled for.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Stories We Tell Ourselves About Ourselves

Margaret Carlisle Duncan’s (1998) article “Stories We Tell Ourselves About Ourselves” does an exceptional job of illustrating how storytelling can create empathy and allow the reader to “re-envision [themselves] as the marginalized Other (p. 95).” Duncan (1998) uses several narratives to prove this point, which proves to be quite poignant in allowing the reader to identify with the narrator and gain a new perspective on a given topic. For example, an article that simply describes “Kempo-Goju,” a predominantly African-American form of martial art may give the reader a factual description of the art, but it is unlikely that the reader will feel any connection to it, thus making it more likely that the reader may disregard the information, or not understand its significance. However, in “Tavita’s Story” the reader is given a narrative about the importance of Kempo-Goju, and, through the eyes of Tavita, the reader may feel a greater connection to the information, and have a greater understanding of Kempo-Goju’s significance both to the narrator and to the greater African-American population as a whole.

Personally, I was more deeply affected by “Steven’s Story,” as well as the story regarding the Atkins Diet. Throughout my life, I have always struggled with body image issues, specifically my weight. Much like “Steven,” I have been the target of harassment by other kids on the playground because of my body (luckily without the crotch poking, which I still don’t quite understand), and much like the narrator, I have stood idly by as other kids were harassed for their own appearances. Because I can identify so easily with the characters, I am more sensitive to the moral lesson to be learned from the story.

Likewise, the Atkins story rang true to me as well. I have always struggled with my own weight, with constant fluctuations throughout my teens, until I finally maxed out around 250 pounds during my freshman year of college. The narrator’s story of going to unhealthy means to lose weight is something that I certainly have done. I can identify with her decision to stick with that diet despite the damage that she was doing to her own body. Although the femininity level may not necessarily apply to me, I can still relate to the perspective of the story, putting myself in the narrator’s shoes, I can easily pull out the significance of the story. It is because of this that narratives can be such an effective tool in writing sociologically.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Are Pro Sports Growing More Altruistic?

Neil Howe’s (2010) “Are Pro Sports Growing More Altruistic?” is an interesting piece about the change in the Millennial Generation’s preferences in sport. The author charges that the current generation of young sport fans are more disinterested in the economic elements or the violent tendencies of professional sports, but rather, they are more interested in the seeing athletes that help their communities and are there for their families. Reading this article, I certainly see merit to this argument. Programs such as RBI in Major League Baseball and Play 60 in the NFL are hugely successful and widely publicized, as they highlight the altruistic nature of those leagues. Additionally, it seems as though every athlete has their own community program- if you look along the walls of any NFL stadium, you will see advertisements for the various programs that each athlete sponsors. Certainly, there is a demand to see athletes give back to their respective communities.

However, while Millennials do love to see “feel-good” stories, the notion that they do not want to see greed or violence in professional sports does not ring true. While it is true that athletes such as Cliff Lee are lauded for taking less money for a better chance at a championship (as well as to be closer to a top-tier hospital for his child), the largest contracts still dominate the national spotlight. Athletes such as Alex Rodriguez and CC Sabathia make the largest headlines due to their massive contracts and the bidding wars that surround them. Likewise, while Millennials may cringe at James Harrison’s helmet-to-helmet hits, hockey fights, or NASCAR wrecks, there is still a demand for violence among this generation. As another classmate pointed out, the UFC is one of the fastest-growing sports leagues in America, fighting still draws attention to the NHL, and the NFL remains far and away the highest rated sport in the US. Our generation may love “feel-good” stories, however, our tastes are not that much different than those of the Boomer Generation or Generation X.

While this article does point out some differences among the generations, they are not universal, and often misguided. It is impossible to simply turn a generation into a caricature. The Millennials, like all other generations, are a complex group of individuals with wide-varying tastes, and it is inappropriate to try to squeeze them into a box.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"The Promise of Sociology"

“The Promise of Sociology” by C. Wright Mills (1959) illustrates that our lives are in many ways products of our society. The context in which we live helps to shape and define who we are. As a former history major, this is something that I have always been intrigued by and held to be very true. I have often wondered how my own life may have been different had I been born in a different era or in a different place. In a time before the industrial revolution, would I be a farmer with 6 kids by the age of 23? In a time before the internet, would I have ever been able to get through college? In a time before our current economic issues, would I have decided to come back to BG for grad school? All of these examples show how the world around me has influenced both my lifestyle and my decision-making process.

Mills (1959) describes societal issues as “matters that transcend [local] environments of the individual and the range of his inner life (p. 5),” and instead affect all members of the society. In today’s world, some of those issues included terrorism, economic collapse, the internet, increasing mobility, and environmental change. These are all issues that affect us all, and how we deal with them individually will collectively shape the way that our society moves, thus, as Mills (1959) says, “[by] the fact of his living [the individual] contributes, however minutely, to the shaping of this society and to the course of its history (p. 3).” As our society moves forward, I can only wonder how the actions that we take as individuals now will shape the world that we live in tomorrow.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Introduction

Hello, my name is Steve McClave, and this is my Sport in Society blog. I am originally from Mayfield, Ohio (about 20 minutes east of Cleveland), and I am in my first year as a Sport Admin grad student at Bowling Green State University. In this blog, I will be discussing the various readings and topics covered in my Sport and Society class; however, before we get into those topics, I will give a more complete introduction of myself.

As a child, I always loved sports, and participated in several- including soccer, tae kwon do, baseball, and finally hockey, which I played all the way through high school, and maintain a strong interest in. Coming from Cleveland, I have seen both highs and lows of what sports can do to a community- from the heyday of the 90s Indians and the dominance of the Cavs over the last few years, to the depression brought on by Art Modell’s relocation of the Browns and LeBron James’ relocation of his talents to South Beach. Still, in all of these situations, I have been fascinated at how events in the sporting world have brought my community together, be it through shared pride or universal outrage. In a community as diverse as Cleveland, sports have been a nearly universal interest, and that has never been lost on me.

Still, despite my interest in sports, I never really considered a career in the sporting industry to be a real possibility. Instead, I chose to do my undergrad work at Bowling Green as a history education major. However, during much of my time as an undergrad I had doubts about the teaching profession, and, after spending a year working as a teacher, I knew that the lifestyle simply was not for me. It was because of this that I became interested in working towards becoming a high school AD, which led me back to Bowling Green and its Sport Administration program.

During my work here, I have become very interested in sport marketing, which is now the kind of career that I intend to approach. This is reflected in my proposed project idea, which will analyze fan motivation in the NHL after the 2004-05 Lockout. Essentially, this project will attempt to find out just what motivates fans to attend hockey games. Additionally, it will examine the changes to the league since 2005 (e.g., the elimination of the “two line offside pass” rule, television coverage, the implementation of the shootout, etc.), and see just what is and is not working in regards to generating fan interest in the NHL through a series of questionnaires and interviews. I have always been interested in just why the NHL is considered such a niche league, and the goal of this project is see just how the fan base has been affected since the Lockout.

It is my hope that this course will help me understand the connection between people and the sports that they love better, and how the two interact. This will certainly help me with my project, as understanding that relationship will give me a better idea of what draws individuals to a sport, which will give me a clear notion of what to look for and ask about when conducting interviews of hockey fans. Because of this, as well as my own interest in how sports affect communities (and vice versa), I very much look forward to this course, and look forward to looking deeper into the issues of sport and society.